The main business activity of Eid Party Limited is to import products manufactured in the Far East, and supply them to our customers.

It is our aim that all products supplied to our customers come from manufacturing sources that comply with ethically acceptable circumstances and safety.

Please carefully read this document and its content.

Code of Conduct

Eid Party applies this Code of Conduct as a minimum requirement to all of our suppliers, and the suppliers of our suppliers.  The Code of Conduct aims to enforce ethical and social good standards within all production, manufacturing, administration, storage and delivery facilities, of our suppliers.  All suppliers of  must comply fully with the national and regional laws of the country and area of which they are based. These laws should always be enforced before our Code of Conduct, in the event of a conflict. If this is the case, the supplier should inform Eid Party.


Child Labour

Under no circumstances should any supplier, in any area of their business employ child labour.   Our suppliers must follow national laws and regulations.  Our suppliers should follow international Labour Organisation Regulations 138 and 132.


Safety at Work

All local and national safety at work regulations must be adhered to and documented at all times.  All areas of the suppliers business must prioritise health and safety of all workers at all times.  First aid equipment must be available in every building within the factory environment and a minimum of one piece of first aid equipment (one kit) must be available to every thirty workers.  Personal protective equipment and clothing must be provided and used where appropriate by all workers.  Fire extinguishers and fire safety materials must be available in all buildings within the factory environment, they must be regularly maintained and labelled, and staff must be regularly trained in the use of such materials.  Exits and emergency exits must be clearly marked, and there must be sufficient of them within the factory environment.  They must be unlocked and unobstructed.   An evacuation plan must be available for all workers and regular evacuation drills must be carried out.  Machinery must be tested to be safe and workers must be trained in safe use of machinery. Any hazardous materials must be carefully stored and labelled.  Lighting, temperature and ventilation within all buildings within the factory must be adequate.


Working Conditions and Regulations (including accommodation within the factory environment where appropriate)

A clean environment throughout must be maintained.  Clean toilet and washroom facilities, segregated for male and female, must be available for all workers and must be accessible at all times.  No physical or psychological violence of any nature must be applied to any worker.  No sexual harassment of any nature must be applied to any worker.  An individual bed per worker plus the surrounding space meeting the minimum legal requirements, must be provided to workers who are accommodated on site.  Separate sleeping rooms as well as separate toilet and washroom areas must be provided to men and women.  These areas must be clean environments, well ventilated and secure. Workers are to be in a position to come and go from sleeping rooms as they wish in non working hours.


The Rights of Workers

International Labour Organisation regulations must be followed, in particular 29, 87, 98, 100, 105 and 111. Please refer to for full details.

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